
View the presentations by our speakers who attended the meeting on the 14th of September 2016: Tax Changes & Solutions for Buy-To-Let Investors by Matt Jeffery of Kilsby & Williams Charted Accountants.


During the Chair’s round up at the end of the meeting, Howard Kilvington provided an update and some useful information from the Housing Department in relation to licensing of houses in multiple occupation/Cathays Additional HMO Licensing.
Those licences awarded under the original scheme that are still within date will continue to be valid, but those that have expired will need to be renewed. The fee for renewal is £475 but a discount of £150 will be applied to all applicants who originally made applications during the first year of the Cathays scheme i.e before 1st of April 2011. The discount is only available to licence holders where their properties meet all licensing standards.
If you think you qualify for the discount, you can contact:
Private Sector Housing, Regulatory & Supporting Services, Cathays Park, City Hall, Cardiff, CF10 2 ND.
Or email

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